What is C10H18? Important Knowledge about C10H18

C10H18 is the molecular formula of many types of unsaturated hydrocarbons. They can be mentioned as decene, decyne, or types of terpenes, limonene,… This is a form of organic compound, consisting of 10 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen atoms.

1.1 Common name: Depends on the specific structure of the compound. For instance, if it is an alkene, it is called decene, if it is an alkyne, it is called decyne.
1.1.2 English name: Also depends on the specific structure of the compound, such as Decene or Decyne.
1.2 Atomic mass: 10 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen atoms.
1.3 Atomic weight: About 138.25 g/mol.
1.4 Ion structure: C10H18 does not form ions under normal conditions.

2.1 Physical properties of C10H18: The state of being solid or liquid depends on the structure and temperature, pressure conditions.
2.2 Chemical properties of C10H18: Able to react with strong oxidizing agents, forming oxidized compounds. It can also react with halogens to form halogenated derivatives.

  1. Common chemical equations: C10H18 can participate in addition reactions with halogens, hydrogenation reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions,…

  2. Synthesis of C10H18: In the lab, C10H18 can be synthesized through the coupling reactions of smaller carbon compounds. In industry, C10H18 is usually produced from the process of hydrocarbon reforming.

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