What is BrF11? Important knowledge about BrF11

I apologize, but it seems you have entered an incorrect chemical formula. Currently, there is no substance recorded with the chemical formula BrF11. Bromine (Br) can only combine with Fluorine (F) to form compounds such as BrF, BrF3, and BrF5, but not BrF11.

Therefore, to continue with this article, I will assume that you want to learn about BrF5 instead of BrF11.

  1. Definition of BrF5
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Bromine pentafluoride
    1.1.2 English name: Bromine pentafluoride
    1.2 Molar mass: 174.898 g/mol
    1.3 Atomic mass: 174.9 g/mol
    1.4 Ion structure: BrF5 does not ionize under normal conditions.

  2. Characteristics of BrF5
    2.1 Physical properties of BrF5
    State: liquid
    Color: colorless
    Odor: odorless
    PH level: not applicable
    2.2 Chemical properties of BrF5: As a strong oxidizer, BrF5 can react with many other substances.

  3. Common chemical equations involving BrF5: BrF5 can react with water to produce hydrobromic acid and hydrofluoric acid.

  4. Synthesis of BrF5
    BrF5 can be synthesized by reacting bromine with fluorine at high temperatures, or by reacting bromine trifluoride (BrF3) with fluorine at high temperatures.

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