What is Br2O5? Important knowledge about Br2O5

  1. Definition of Br2O5

Br2O5, also known as bromine pentoxide or penta-bromide oxide in English, is a chemical substance with a molecular weight of 223.799 g/mol. Its molecule consists of 2 bromine atoms and 5 oxygen atoms. The ion structure is unclear because it does not ionize easily.

  1. Properties of Br2O5

2.1 Physical properties of Br2O5
Br2O5 is a red or brown crystalline solid. It has no particular smell. Its pH cannot be determined as it does not dissolve or dissolves very little in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of Br2O5
Br2O5 reacts strongly with water to form bromic acid HBrO3. It also reacts with strong bases to form bromate salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of Br2O5
    Br2O5 does not react directly with metals. It also does not react with acids. However, it can react with some nonmetals such as phosphorus to form PBr5 and O2. Reactions with salts are also uncommon.
  2. Synthesis of Br2O5

Br2O5 is not synthesized in the laboratory because the process is very complex and requires special conditions. In industry, it is produced from substances containing bromine and oxygen at high temperatures.

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