What is Br2? Important knowledge about Br2.

  1. Definition of Br2
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Brom
    1.1.2 English name: Bromine
    1.2 Atomic mass: 79.904.
    1.3 Molecular structure: Bromine is a diatomic molecule with the chemical formula of Br2.
    1.4 Ion structure: Bromine can form bromide ion Br- when it receives an electron.

  2. Properties of Br2
    2.1 Physical properties of Br2
    State: Liquid at room temperature.
    Color: Brownish-red.
    Smell: Sharp, distinctive odor.
    PH Level: Not applicable as bromine is neither a base nor an acid.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Br2: Bromine reacts with many metals to form metal bromides. It can also burn in air to create bromine trioxide.

  3. Common chemical equations of Br2
    Metal reaction: Br2 + 2Fe -> 2FeBr2
    Acid reaction: Br2 + H2SO4 -> SO2 + 2HBr + O2
    Non-metal reaction: Br2 + 3F2 -> 2BrF3
    Reaction with salts: Br2 + 2NaCl -> 2NaBr + Cl2

  4. Synthesis of Br2
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Br2: Bromine can be synthesized by the reaction between manganese dioxide and hydrobromic acid.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Br2: In the industry, bromine is produced by electrolysis of bromide salt solutions.

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