What is Br? Important knowledge about Br.

  1. Definition of Br
    Br, also known as Brom, is a chemical element with the symbol Br and atomic number 35. In English, we call it Bromine. It has an atomic mass of 79.904 and belongs to Group 17 on the periodic table, also known as the halogen group. The molecular structure of Bromine is Br2, with a structure of two Bromine atoms bonded together. When forming ions, Bromine typically gains one electron to become the Br- ion.

  2. Properties of Br
    In its standard state, Bromine is a brownish-red liquid with a strong, unpleasant smell. Its PH is not applicable because it is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, and Bromine cannot dissolve in water to form a solution.
    In terms of chemical properties, Bromine is very reactive, capable of reacting with a wide range of other substances such as metals, non-metals, acids, and salts.

  3. Common chemical equations of Br
    Br can react with metals like Na, K, Mg, Al, and Fe to form bromide salts. It can also react with acids such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid. With non-metals, Br can react with H, O, S, C, and P. With salts, Br can participate in exchange reactions to form different types of salts.

  4. Preparation of Br
    In the laboratory, Bromine is usually prepared from manganese bromide by reduction with dilute sulfuric acid and chlorine. Industrially, Bromine is typically produced from sea bromides using oxidation methods or electrolysis.

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