What is BH3? Important knowledge about BH3.

  1. Define BH3

BH3, also known as borane, is a chemical compound of boron and hydrogen. In English, it is called borane. BH3 has a molecular weight of 13.83 g/mol. The molecular structure of BH3 consists of one boron atom linked to three hydrogen atoms. BH3 does not form ions.

  1. Characteristics of BH3

2.1 Physical properties of BH3

BH3 is a gas in its normal form. This substance is colorless and odorless. It is not acidic, so the pH cannot be determined.

2.2 Chemical properties of BH3

BH3 is a fairly reactive substance. It can react with air, forming B2H6 and B(OH)3. It can also react with water, forming boron, hydrogen, and boronic acid.

  1. Common chemical equations of BH3

BH3 does not react with metals, acids, or non-metals. However, it can react with salts. For example:

2 BH3 + 6NaCl -> 2BCl3 + 3H2 + 6Na

  1. Synthesis of BH3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of BH3

There are a few ways to synthesize BH3 in the laboratory, such as the reaction of boron trichloride with hydrogen:

BCl3 + 3H2 -> BH3 + 3HCl

4.2 Industrial synthesis of BH3

On an industrial scale, BH3 is typically produced from the reaction of borax with sulfuric acid, then reduced with hydrogen:

Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2 -> 2BH3 + Na2SO4 + 7H2O

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