What is BeS2O3? Important knowledge about BeS2O3.

  1. Definition of BeS2O3

BeS2O3 is the chemical expression of the compound beryllium thiosulphate, a colorless, odorless substance. This compound comprises of the elements beryllium (Be), sulfur (S) and oxygen (O).

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common Name: Beryllium Thiosulphate
1.1.2 English Name: Beryllium Thiosulphate
1.2 Atomic mass: Atomic mass of BeS2O3 = 9.01 (Be) + 32 -> .06 (S) 2 + 16.00 (O) 3 = 169.13 g/mol
1.3 Atomic weight: Be = 9.01 g/mol, S = 32.06 g/mol, O = 16.00 g/mol
1.3.1 Molecular structure: BeS2O3 contains 1 atom of beryllium, 2 atoms of sulfur and 3 atoms of oxygen.
1.4 Ion structure: BeS2O3 can form ions Be2+ and S2O32-.

  1. Properties
    2.1 Physical properties of BeS2O3
    State: solid
    Color: colorless
    Odor: odorless
    pH: not determined
    2.2 Chemical properties of BeS2O3: Still under study, no specific data available.

  2. Common BeS2O3 chemical equations
    Depending on specific chemical conditions, BeS2O3 can participate in reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. No reactions have been recorded yet.

  3. Synthesis of BeS2O3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of BeS2O3: There is no specific information, further research is needed.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of BeS2O3: There is currently no industrial synthesis method for BeS2O3.

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