What is Be3(PO4)2? Important knowledge about Be3(PO4)2.

  1. Definition of Be3(PO4)2

Be3(PO4)2, also known as Beryllium Phosphate, is an inorganic compound consisting of beryllium, phosphorus, and oxygen. Be3(PO4)2 has a molecular weight of 286.06 g/mol. The molecular structure includes 3 beryllium atoms, 2 phosphorus atoms, and 8 oxygen atoms. This compound has an ionic structure of Be2+ and PO4(3-).

  1. Properties: Be3(PO4)2

2.1 Physical properties of Be3(PO4)2:
Beryllium Phosphate is solid at room temperature, is white in color, and does not have a characteristic odor. The pH is not defined as it is not soluble enough in water to form a solution.
2.2 Chemical properties of Be3(PO4)2:
Be3(PO4)2 is very limited in chemical reactions due to the chemical inactivity of beryllium.

  1. Common chemical equations of Be3(PO4)2
    Due to its poor chemical properties, Be3(PO4)2 does not usually participate in common chemical reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  2. Synthesis of Be3(PO4)2

To synthesize Be3(PO4)2, one may react beryllium with phosphoric acid (H3PO4). However, the synthesis of Be3(PO4)2 is not performed in the laboratory due to the toxicity of beryllium and its compounds. In industry, Be3(PO4)2 is produced in a complex synthesis process.

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