What is Be3B2O4? Important knowledge about Be3B2O4.

  1. Be3B2O4, also known as beryllium borate in English, is a colorless compound formed from beryllium, boron, and oxide. Each atom of beryllium borate has a distinct atomic mass: beryllium is 9, boron is 5, and oxygen is 16. The specific structure of the Be3B2O4 molecule has not been clearly determined. However, it may contain beryllium ions (Be2+) and borate ions (B2O74-).

  2. Be3B2O4 has several notable properties. Physically, it is a solid, colorless, and odorless substance. The specific pH of beryllium borate has not been determined as it is not easily soluble in water. Chemically, Be3B2O4 is stable and does not readily react with other substances.

  3. Since beryllium borate does not react strongly with other substances, the common reaction equations are not easy to determine. However, under certain conditions, Be3B2O4 can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  4. The synthesis of Be3B2O4 is usually conducted in laboratories or on an industrial scale. In the laboratory, beryllium borate is typically synthesized from beryllium and boron in an oxidizing environment. On an industrial scale, Be3B2O4 is commonly produced through the reaction between beryllium hydroxide and borax.

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