What is BBr3? Important knowledge about BBr3.

  1. Definition of BBr3
    BBr3, also known as Boron tribromide, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula BBr3. Its English name is also Boron tribromide. In a BBr3 molecule, there is one boron atom and three bromine atoms. BBr3 has an atomic mass of 5.1 and a molecular weight of 250.52 g/mol. BBr3 molecules do not form ions in nonpolar solvents.

  2. Properties of BBr3
    BBr3 is a white, odorless solid with strong acidic properties. The pH of BBr3 is very low, indicating its strong acidity. The chemical properties of BBr3 are demonstrated through its reactions with various substances, such as metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  3. Common chemical equations of BBr3
    BBr3 can react with some metals like Al, Fe, Cu to form new compounds. Besides, BBr3 can also react with strong acids such as HNO3, H2SO4. Furthermore, BBr3 can react with some non-metals such as O2, S, and P. However, BBr3 does not usually react with salts.

  4. Synthesis of BBr3
    BBr3 can be synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction of boron with bromine. Industrially, BBr3 is produced from the reaction between boron, bromine, and bromine solution.

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