What is BaS2O8? Important knowledge about BaS2O8.

  1. Definition of BaS2O8

BaS2O8, commonly known as Barium persulfate, is a colorless or white chemical compound. In chemical terms, BaS2O8 is a compound of Barium, Sulfur, and Oxygen. It has a molar mass of 392.23 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of a barium ion (Ba2+) and a persulfate ion (S2O82-).

  1. Properties: BaS2O8

2.1 Physical properties: BaS2O8 appears as colorless or white crystals. It has no distinct odor and has a neutral pH.
2.2 Chemical properties: BaS2O8 is a strong oxidizing agent. It can react with water to form barium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Common chemical equations involving BaS2O8

BaS2O8 participates in various kinds of chemical reactions. In the laboratory, it is often used to synthesize other compounds.

  1. Synthesis of BaS2O8

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: BaS2O8 can be synthesized from the reaction between barium sulfite and sulfuric acid.
4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, BaS2O8 is produced from the reaction between barium sulfate and hydrogen peroxide.

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