What is BaPbO3? Important knowledge about BaPbO3.

  1. Definition of BaPbO3:

BaPbO3 is the chemical name for Barium Lead Oxide, a type of colorless solid. The molecular structure of BaPbO3 consists of one barium atom (Ba), one lead atom (Pb), and three oxygen atoms (O). The atomic mass of Barium is 137.3, of Lead is 207.2, and of Oxygen is 16. Therefore, the atomic mass of BaPbO3 is 137.3 + 207.2 + 16*3 = 392.7. The ionic structure of BaPbO3 includes Ba2+ ions and (PbO3)2- ions.

  1. Properties of BaPbO3:

2.1 Physical properties: BaPbO3 is a colorless, solid, and odorless substance. The pH of BaPbO3 in aqueous solution depends on its concentration.

2.2 Chemical properties: BaPbO3 has the ability to react with various types of chemicals such as acids, metals, non-metals or salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of BaPbO3:

Note, safety precautions must be taken when performing reactions with BaPbO3 as lead can be toxic.

  1. Synthesis of BaPbO3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: BaPbO3 can be synthesized through the reaction between Barium Chloride (BaCl2) and Lead Nitrate (Pb(NO3)2).
4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, BaPbO3 is often produced by melting compounds containing Barium and Lead at high temperatures.

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