What is BaCrO4? Important knowledge about BaCrO4.

  1. Definition of BaCrO4

BaCrO4, also known as Barium Chromate, is a chemical substance with 1 ion of Barium (Ba^2+), 1 ion of Chromate (CrO4^2-). The molecular weight of BaCrO4 is 253.32 g/mol. BaCrO4 is formed from 1 atom of Barium, 1 atom of Chromium and 4 atoms of Oxygen.

  1. Properties of BaCrO4

2.1 Physical properties of BaCrO4

BaCrO4 is in solid state with a deep yellow color. It has no particular smell. The pH of BaCrO4 is neutral.

2.2 Chemical properties of BaCrO4

BaCrO4 is insoluble in water and acid. It is also not flammable but has a strong oxidizing ability.

  1. Common chemical reactions of BaCrO4

BaCrO4 does not usually react with metals, acids, or non-metals. It is mainly used as an indicator in chemical experiments.

  1. Synthesis of BaCrO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of BaCrO4

BaCrO4 can be synthesized through the reaction between Barium Chloride (BaCl2) and Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4).

BaCl2 + K2CrO4 -> BaCrO4 + 2KCl

4.2 Industrial synthesis of BaCrO4

The method of synthesizing BaCrO4 industrially is similar to that in the laboratory, but on a larger scale and requires industrial equipment.

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