What is BaCl2? Important knowledge about BaCl2.

  1. Definition of BaCl2

BaCl2, also known as barium chloride, is a white solid formed from barium ions (Ba2+) and chloride ions (Cl-). This compound is commonly referred to in English as Barium Chloride. It consists of one Barium atom and two Chlorine atoms in its molecular structure. The atomic mass of this compound is 208.23 g/mol. The molecular structure of BaCl2 comprises of Ba2+ ion and 2 Cl- ions. The Ba2+ ion is formed by transferring two electrons from the barium atom to the chlorine atom to form two Cl- ions.

  1. Properties of BaCl2

2.1 Physical properties of BaCl2: BaCl2 is a white, odourless solid and has a neutral pH when dissolved in water.
2.2 Chemical properties of BaCl2: BaCl2 strongly interacts with water and is soluble in it. It can also react with other substances such as acids, alkalis, salts and other metals.

  1. Common chemical equations involving BaCl2

BaCl2 is commonly used in chemical reactions with salts, acids, and metals. For instance, BaCl2 reacts with sulphate salts to form barium sulphate and chloride salts. It can also react with sulfuric acid to form barium sulphate and hydrochloric acid.

  1. Preparation of BaCl2

4.1 Laboratory preparation of BaCl2: BaCl2 can be prepared through the reaction of barium and chlorine under high temperature conditions.
4.2 Industrial preparation of BaCl2: In industry, BaCl2 is usually produced by separating salts from mineral sources containing barium.

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