What is Ba2MoO6? Important knowledge about Ba2MoO6.

  1. Definition of Ba2MoO6
    Ba2MoO6, also known as Barium molybdate, is an inorganic chemical compound with the molecular formula Ba2MoO6. The structure of this molecule consists of two Barium (Ba) atoms, one Molybdenum (Mo) atom and six Oxygen (O) atoms. The atomic mass of each type of atom is: Barium 137.327, Molybdenum 95.96 and Oxygen 15.999. The ionic structure in Ba2MoO6 includes Ba2+ ions and MoO4 2- ions.

  2. Properties: Ba2MoO6
    Ba2MoO6 has certain physical and chemical properties. In terms of physical properties, Ba2MoO6 exists in solid form, is white in color and odorless. Ba2MoO6 has prominent chemical properties in forming complexes with other metal ions.

  3. Common chemical equation Ba2MoO6
    The chemical equation of Ba2MoO6 is not clear because it does not participate in many common chemical reactions. It is mainly used in industrial processes to create other chemical substances.

  4. Preparation of Ba2MoO6
    Ba2MoO6 cannot be prepared in a laboratory due to its chemical characteristics. On an industrial scale, Ba2MoO6 is usually synthesized from Barium chloride and Ammonium molybdate in an acidic environment. This process produces Ba2MoO6 in the form of a white precipitate.

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