What is Ba2Cr2O7? Important knowledge about Ba2Cr2O7.

  1. Definition of Ba2Cr2O7:

1.1 Names:
1.1.1 Common name: Dicromat Barium.
1.1.2 English name: Barium dichromate.

1.2 Atomic composition: Ba2Cr2O7 contains 2 Barium atoms (Ba), 2 Chromium atoms (Cr) and 7 Oxygen atoms (O).

1.3 Atomic weight: The atomic weight of Ba2Cr2O7 is the total weight of all the atoms within it, which is 2*(weight of Ba) + 2 -> *(weight of Cr) + 7 -> *(weight of O).

1.4 Ionic structure: When Ba2Cr2O7 dissociates, it forms 2 Ba2+ ions and 1 Cr2O7-2 ion.

  1. Properties of Ba2Cr2O7:

2.1 Physical properties of Ba2Cr2O7: Ba2Cr2O7 is a red or orange powder, odorless, insoluble in water and has a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ba2Cr2O7: Ba2Cr2O7 is a strong oxidizing agent, it can react with many metals such as iron, copper, zinc,… to form salts and gases.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Ba2Cr2O7:
    Due to its strong oxidizing nature, Ba2Cr2O7 often participates in oxidation reactions. For example, the reaction with Iron (Fe) is: 6Fe + Ba2Cr2O7 + 14H2O -> 2Ba(OH)2 + 3Fe2O3 + 2Cr(OH)3.

  2. Preparation of Ba2Cr2O7:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Ba2Cr2O7: Ba2Cr2O7 can be prepared from Barium hydroxide and Dicromic acid.
4.2 Industrial preparation of Ba2Cr2O7: Industrially, Ba2Cr2O7 is typically produced by separating Barium and Chromium ions from accompanying ores.

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