What is Ba2B4O7? Important knowledge about Ba2B4O7.

  1. Definition of Ba2B4O7
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Ba2B4O7 is commonly known as borat barium.
    1.1.2 English name: Ba2B4O7 in English is called Barium borate.
    1.2 Atomic structure: Ba2B4O7 is composed of 2 atoms of Barium (Ba), 4 atoms of Boron (B), and 7 atoms of Oxygen (O).
    1.3 Atomic weight: Ba2B4O7 has an approximate atomic weight of 393.15 g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: Each molecule of Ba2B4O7 consists of 2 Barium ions (Ba^2+), 2 borate ions (B4O7^2-).
    1.4 Ion structure: In Ba2B4O7, the Barium ion (Ba^2+) and the borate ion (B4O7^2-) attract each other to form the compound.

  2. Properties: Ba2B4O7
    2.1 Physical properties of Ba2B4O7
    State: Ba2B4O7 is solid at room temperature.
    Color: Ba2B4O7 is white.
    Odor: Ba2B4O7 has no distinctive smell.
    pH: Ba2B4O7 has a neutral pH.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Ba2B4O7: Ba2B4O7 is insoluble in water, soluble in acid, and insoluble in alcohol.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Ba2B4O7 currently do not have detailed data.

  4. Synthesis of Ba2B4O7
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ba2B4O7 currently does not have detailed data.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ba2B4O7 currently does not have detailed data.

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