What is B5N5H15? Important Knowledge about B5N5H15.

B5N5H15, also known as pentaazaclopentadienylboron or borazine, is a complex chemical compound. The English name for this compound is also borazine.

In terms of structure, it consists of 5 boron atoms, 5 nitrogen atoms, and 15 hydrogen atoms. This compound has a molar mass of 80.5 g/mol. Its molecular structure is similar to benzene, with the alternation between boron and nitrogen atoms, and each atom is linked to a hydrogen atom. This compound doesn’t form ions and does not participate in ionization reactions.

Regarding properties, borazine is a colorless liquid with a headache-inducing smell. It is not acidic and has a pH of 7. The unique chemical properties of borazine include its high-temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

B5N5H15 participates in common chemical reactions. However, examples of its reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts are not widespread.

The synthesis of borazine is typically performed in laboratories through the reaction of diborane (B2H6) and ammonia (NH3). On an industrial scale, it is produced from the reaction of borax and ammonia at high temperatures.

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