What is B5H9? Important knowledge about B5H9.

  1. Definition of B5H9
    B5H9 is a chemical substance commonly known as Pentaboran(9), and its English name is Pentaborane(9). It is a white, colorless solid with a distinctive smell. B5H9 consists of 5 boron atoms and 9 hydrogen atoms. Its atomic weight is 63.69 g/mol. The B5H9 molecule has a pyramidal structure, with 5 boron atoms forming a triangular pyramid, and 9 hydrogen atoms surrounding. B5H9 does not form ions.

  2. Properties: B5H9
    B5H9 has the following physical properties: it is a solid, colorless, has a distinctive smell and does not have a specific pH value. In terms of chemical properties, B5H9 reacts strongly with air, forming boron trioxide and water.

  3. Common chemical equation: B5H9
    B5H9 can react with metals, acids, nonmetals and salts. However, this reaction is not common and quite complicated, so it is not introduced to high school students.

  4. Synthesis of B5H9
    B5H9 can be synthesized through the reaction between diborane and boron trifluoride in a neutral environment. As the synthesis process is quite complicated and dangerous, it is not performed in school laboratories. The synthesis of B5H9 is usually carried out in professional industrial laboratories.

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