What is B4H10? Important Knowledge About B4H10

  1. Definition of B4H10:
    1.1 Names:
    1.1.1 Common name: Dodecahydroborate.
    1.1.2 English name: Decaborane.
    1.2 Atomic mass: Boron (B) has an atomic mass of 10.8 and Hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of 1.
    1.3 Molecular weight: B4H10 has a molecular weight of 58.82g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: B4H10 has a molecular structure consisting of 4 Boron atoms and 10 Hydrogen atoms.
    1.4 Ion structure: B4H10 is a molecule that does not possess ions.

  2. Properties:
    2.1 Physical properties: B4H10 is a white, odorless solid with no pH level.
    2.2 Chemical properties: B4H10 burns easily in air to form Boron trioxide and water.

  3. Common chemical equations:
    B4H10 does not react with metals, acids, non-metals or salts. However, B4H10 burns easily in air to form Boron trioxide and water.

  4. Preparation of B4H10:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: B4H10 is prepared from the reaction between Diborane (B2H6) and Bromine (Br2) under high temperature conditions.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: B4H10 is prepared through the reaction of Boron with Hydrogen at high temperatures and high pressure.

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