What is AsH4? Important knowledge about AsH4.

  1. Definition of AsH4:
    1.1 The common name of AsH4 is Phốtphin arsin. In English, it is known as Arsenous hydride or Arsenic hydride.
    1.2 AsH4 has an atomic mass of 78.
    1.3 The average atomic mass is 77.95 g/mol.
    1.4 The molecular structure of AsH4 consists of one As atom and four H atoms. AsH4 does not form ions.

  2. Properties of AsH4:
    2.1 Physical properties: AsH4 is a gas, colorless, with an unpleasant smell. The pH of AsH4 is 7 – neutral.
    2.2 Chemical properties: AsH4 easily burns in the air to form As2O3 and H2O. It also reacts with strong oxidizing agents.

  3. Common chemical equations:
    AsH4 does not participate in reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts.

  4. Preparation of AsH4:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: AsH4 can be prepared from the reaction between As2O3 and Zn/H2SO4.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: AsH4 is not produced on an industrial scale because it is very toxic and highly explosive. In industry, As compounds are typically used instead of AsH4.

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