What is AsH2? Important knowledge about AsH2.

  1. AsH2, also known as Arsine, is a chemical compound with a molecular weight of 78.924 Da. Each molecule of AsH2 consists of one Arsenic (As) atom and two Hydrogen (H) atoms. It does not form ions in solution.

  2. The properties of AsH2:
    2.1 Physical properties:

    • AsH2 is colorless, odorless gas under standard conditions and can cause nausea.
    • The pH of AsH2 is not determined because it does not form ions in solution.

2.2 Chemical properties:

  • AsH2 is easily volatile and can catch fire in the air, forming As2O3 and H2O.
  • It can also react with many other metals and non-metals.
  1. Common chemical reactions with AsH2:

  2. Preparation of AsH2:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation:

    • As + 3H2 -> 2AsH2
      4.2 Industrial preparation:
    • In industry, AsH2 is commonly prepared by separating As from As-containing ore by heating it with coke or passing H2 gas over the hot ore.

Note: Due to the high toxicity of AsH2, its preparation and use should be carried out under careful professional supervision.

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