What is As4S7? Important knowledge about As4S7.

  1. Definition of As4S7
    As4S7, commonly known as Tetraarsenic heptasulfide, is referred to as Realgar in English. The As4S7 molecule consists of four Arsenic (As) atoms and seven Sulfur (S) atoms. The atomic mass of Realgar is 644.8 atomic mass units. The atomic masses of As and S are 74.9216 and 32.07, respectively. The As4S7 molecule does not form ions under normal conditions.

  2. Properties: As4S7
    Physical properties of As4S7: Realgar usually appears as orange-red or brick-red crystals. This substance has no characteristic odor and is insoluble in water.
    Chemical properties of As4S7: As4S7 is quite chemically resistant. It does not react with strong acid or alkali. However, when heated in air, Realgar undergoes oxidation to form As2O3 and SO2.

  3. Common chemical equations involving As4S7
    Due to the relatively stable chemical properties of As4S7, we do not commonly see it participating in regular chemical reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts.

  4. Synthesis of As4S7
    As4S7 naturally occurs in the environment and is not synthesized in laboratories or industries. We can find As4S7 in geological areas containing As minerals.

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