What is As2Se3? Important knowledge about As2Se3.

  1. Definition of As2Se3

As2Se3, or Arsenic selenide, also known as arsenic triselenide, is an inorganic compound of As (Arsenic) and Se (Selenium). Each As2Se3 molecule includes two arsenic atoms and three selenium atoms. The atomic weight of this compound is approximately 372.67 g/mol. The structure of As2Se3 is not precisely known, but it is assumed to have a structure similar to As2O3, where two arsenic atoms are linked together, and each arsenic atom is linked with two selenium atoms.

  1. Properties of As2Se3

2.1 Physical properties of As2Se3: As2Se3 is a solid with a purple-red color. It is odorless and its pH level cannot be determined due to its insolubility in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of As2Se3: As2Se3 is highly reactive with oxygen, forming As2O3 and SeO2. It is also easily reactive with strong oxidizing agents.

  1. Common chemical reactions of As2Se3

Since As2Se3 is highly reactive with oxygen, its common chemical reaction is As2Se3 + 3O2 -> 2As2O3 + 3SeO2.

  1. Synthesis of As2Se3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of As2Se3: As2Se3 can be synthesized by combining As and Se under high temperature conditions.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of As2Se3: Industrially, As2Se3 is commonly produced from the distillation process of minerals containing As and Se.

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