What is As2H4S7? Important knowledge about As2H4S7.

Unfortunately, we can’t provide comprehensive information about As2H4S7 as it is not a recognized chemical compound. Compounds of Arsenic (As), Hydrogen (H), and Sulfur (S) may exist, but not in the ratio As2H4S7.

For example, As2S3, also known commonly as Arsenic trisulfide, is a chemical compound of Arsenic and Sulfur. It has a molar mass of 246.02 g/mol and its molecular structure consists of two Arsenic atoms and three Sulfur atoms.

Physically, As2S3 is a solid at room temperature, has a yellow to red color and is odorless. Its chemical properties include the ability to react with strong metals to form arsenic(III) salts, and to react with acids to form sulfide salts.

However, with As2H4S7, it is very difficult to determine physical and chemical properties, chemical equations, and synthesis procedures because it is not a recognized chemical compound.

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