What is As2H4O7? Key knowledge about As2H4O7.

  1. Definition of As2H4O7
    As2H4O7 is the chemical formula for pyroarsenic acid, also known as arsenic acid. Its English name is pyroarsenic acid. The molecular structure consists of 2 atoms of As (Arsenic), 4 atoms of H (Hydrogen), and 7 atoms of O (Oxygen). The atomic mass of As2H4O7 is approximately 325.81 g/mol.

1.4 Ion structure
In As2H4O7, the 2 As atoms form As3+ ions while the 4 H atoms form H+ ions and the 7 O atoms form O2- ions.

  1. Properties: As2H4O7
    As2H4O7 is a white, odorless solid. The pH of this compound ranges from 1-3, indicating that it is a strong acid.

2.2 Chemical properties of As2H4O7
As2H4O7 can react with some metals such as Na, K to form arsenate salts.

  1. Common chemical equations involving As2H4O7
    Unfortunately, this section cannot be provided as As2H4O7 does not really participate in many chemical reactions.

  2. Synthesis of As2H4O7
    As2H4O7 can be synthesized through the thermal reaction between As2O5 and H2O. However, this is not a common synthesis process in laboratories or industry due to the high toxicity of As.

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