What is AlF3? Important knowledge about AlF3.

  1. Definition of AlF3
    AlF3, also known as Aluminum Fluoride, is a chemical compound consisting of aluminum (Al) and fluorine (F) atoms. The chemical formula is AlF3, meaning each molecule contains one aluminum atom and three fluorine atoms. AlF3 has a molar mass of 83.98 g/mol with a molecular structure of one aluminum atom linked with three fluorine atoms forming an octahedral shape. It has an ionic structure of Al3+ and F-.

  2. Properties of AlF3
    2.1 AlF3 is solid at room temperature, colorless and odorless. It has weakly acidic properties with a pH below 7.
    2.2 The chemical properties of AlF3 include its ability to react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  3. Typical chemical equations involving AlF3
    AlF3 can react with metals like Fe, Cu, Zn, but requires high temperature or electrolysis, as well as react with strong acids such as H2SO4, HNO3, or non-metals like O2, Cl2. AlF3 also reacts with salts like NaCl, KCl…

  4. Preparation of AlF3
    4.1 In the laboratory, AlF3 can be prepared from the reaction between aluminum and hydrofluoric acid.
    4.2 On an industrial scale, AlF3 is typically produced from the reaction between aluminum oxide and hydrofluoric acid.

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