What is Al4N6? Important knowledge about Al4N6.

  1. Definition of Al4N6
    Al4N6, also known as Aluminum Nitride, is a white solid formed from 4 atoms of aluminum (Al) and 6 atoms of nitrogen (N). The total atomic mass of these elements is 144.06 g/mol. The Al4N6 molecule forms a crystal lattice, each cell of which includes 4 atoms of aluminum and 6 atoms of nitrogen. Unlike many other compounds, Al4N6 does not form ions but forms a network structure in which atoms are linked to each other through covalent bonds.

  2. Properties of Al4N6
    2.1 Physical properties of Al4N6: Al4N6 is a white, odorless solid, insoluble in water and most common solvents. It has a melting point of over 2200°C and high hardness.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Al4N6: Al4N6 is an inactive substance in the air at room temperature but relatively stable at high temperatures. It can react with acid to form aluminum but does not react with alkali.

  3. Common chemical reactions with Al4N6
    Due to the inactive nature of Al4N6, the range of reactions of this compound is quite limited, so there are not many examples of metal, acid, non-metal, or salt reactions that can be listed here.

  4. Preparation of Al4N6
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of Al4N6: Al4N6 is usually not synthesized in the laboratory as the synthesis process requires high and difficult-to-control conditions.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of Al4N6: On an industrial scale, Al4N6 is prepared through the thermal decomposition of aluminum ammonium nitrate at high temperatures.

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