What is Al2Te6? Important knowledge about Al2Te6.

  1. Definition of Al2Te6
    Al2Te6 is a chemical compound consisting of 2 aluminum atoms (Al) and 6 tellurium atoms (Te). The common name of Al2Te6 is Aluminum hexatellurite, also known as Aluminium telluride in English. The atomic mass of Al2Te6 is 593.04 atomic mass units (u). The molecular structure of Al2Te6 includes 2 aluminum ions (Al3+) and 6 tellurium ions (Te2-), together forming a chemical molecule.

  2. Properties of Al2Te6
    2.1 Physical properties of Al2Te6
    In its solid state, Al2Te6 is gray. The specific smell of Al2Te6 has not been determined. The PH level has also not been determined as it is insoluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Al2Te6
    The specific chemical properties of Al2Te6 have not been thoroughly researched.

  3. Common chemical equations of Al2Te6
    Currently, Al2Te6 is mostly studied in the field of semiconductor materials and not many chemical reactions have been recorded.

  4. Synthesis of Al2Te6
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Al2Te6
    Al2Te6 can be synthesized through the reaction between aluminum and tellurium at high temperatures.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Al2Te6
    Currently, Al2Te6 is not produced on an industrial scale based on existing methods.

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