What is Al2S4? Important knowledge about Al2S4

  1. Definition of Al2S4

Al2S4, also known as Sulfur Aluminum or Aluminum Sulfide in English, is a chemical substance composed of 2 aluminum atoms and 4 sulfur atoms. The atomic mass of Al2S4 is 150.16 g/mol. The Al2S4 molecule is made up of Al3+ aluminum ions and S2- sulfide ions.

  1. Properties: Al2S4

Al2S4 is solid at standard conditions with a black or gray color and odorless. This indicates that its pH level is almost neutral. The chemical properties of Al2S4 include the ability to react with water to produce hydrogen sulfide, a compound with a distinctive foul smell.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Al2S4

Al2S4 typically reacts with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. For example, it can react with water to produce hydrogen sulfide and aluminum hydroxide: Al2S3 + 6H2O -> 2Al(OH)3 + 3H2S.

  1. Synthesis of Al2S4

The synthesis of Al2S4 can be performed in the laboratory or industrially. In the laboratory, sulfur and aluminum can be burned together to produce Al2S4. On an industrial scale, Al2S4 is often produced through the reduction process of aluminum sulfate with sulfur.

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