What is Al2MoO4? Important knowledge about Al2MoO4.

  1. Definition of Al2MoO4

Al2MoO4, also known as Aluminum Molybdate. Its structure consists of two aluminum atoms, one molybdenum atom, and four oxygen atoms. Its molecular weight is 302.83 g/mol.

1.4 Ion structure

In Al2MoO4, Al3+ and MoO4 2- are the two main ions.

  1. Properties: Al2MoO4

2.1 Physical properties of Al2MoO4

Al2MoO4 often appears as a white, odorless powder. It has high temperature resistance and is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of Al2MoO4

Al2MoO4 is quite stable under normal conditions. It does not react with strong acids and bases.

  1. Common chemical equations of Al2MoO4

Because Al2MoO4 rarely participates in chemical reactions, there are no specific examples of reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

  1. Synthesis of Al2MoO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Al2MoO4

Typically, the synthesis of Al2MoO4 is not practiced in the laboratory due to difficulties in controlling the reaction and the lack of necessary equipment.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Al2MoO4

In industry, Al2MoO4 can be synthesized through the reaction between aluminum hydroxide and molybdenum oxide under high temperature conditions.

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