What is Al2(HPO4)3? Important knowledge about Al2(HPO4)3.

  1. Definition of Al2(HPO4)3
    Al2(HPO4)3 is a chemical compound with 2 aluminum atoms, 3 HPO4 atomic groups. This compound is also referred to as aluminum phosphate, with the English name being Aluminum phosphate. The molar mass of Al2(HPO4)3 is 317.96 g/mol. The molecular structure consists of 2 Al atoms linked with 3 HPO4 atomic groups to form a complex ion system.

  2. Properties of Al2(HPO4)3
    The physical properties of Al2(HPO4)3 are characterized by its solid state, white or beige color, and odorless nature. Its pH level is usually near neutral. Its chemical properties include its ability to react with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Al2(HPO4)3
    Al2(HPO4)3 can participate in many different reactions, depending on the other reactants. Reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts will produce various products.

  4. Preparation of Al2(HPO4)3
    Al2(HPO4)3 can be prepared in a laboratory through the reaction between aluminum and phosphoric acid. In industry, this compound is typically produced from the reaction between aluminum, hydrogen, and diphosphorus pentoxide.

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