What is Al2C3? Important knowledge about Al2C3.

  1. Definition of Al2C3
    Al2C3, also known as aluminum carbide or carbide aluminum, is an inorganic compound consisting of two aluminum atoms and three carbon atoms. Al2C3 has a molar mass of 143.95852 Da and atomic mass of 143.95852 g/mol. In terms of molecular structure, it has a linear geometric shape. The ionic structure of Al2C3 includes two aluminum ions Al3+ and three C4- ions.

  2. Properties of Al2C3
    Al2C3 is solid at room temperature, greenish-grey to black in color, and odorless. It has a pH of 9-10, indicating its alkaline nature. Chemically, Al2C3 is insoluble in water and acid, but soluble in alkali.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Al2C3
    Al2C3 often participates in reactions with water to produce methane and aluminum hydroxide: Al2C3 + 12H2O -> 2Al(OH)3 + 3CH4. It can also react with hydrochloric acid to produce aluminum chloride and methane: Al2C3 + 6HCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3CH4. Al2C3 can also react with non-metals such as sulfur, phosphorus, and bromine to form other compounds.

  4. Synthesis of Al2C3
    Al2C3 is usually synthesized in the laboratory by heating aluminum with carbon at high temperature. Industrially, Al2C3 is typically produced by thermally decomposing an aluminum compound with carbon. For example, the reaction between aluminum and carbon produces Al2C3 and carbon monoxide gas: 4Al + 3C -> Al2C3 + CO.

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