What is Ag4P2O5? Important knowledge about Ag4P2O5.

  1. Definition of Ag4P2O5

Ag4P2O5 is the chemical formula of the substance Silver pyrophosphate.
1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Silver pyrophosphate
1.1.2 English name: Silver pyrophosphate
1.2 Atomic mass: Consists of 4 Silver (Ag) atoms, 2 Phosphorus (P) atoms, and 5 Oxygen (O) atoms
1.3 Atomic weight: The weight of one molecule of Ag4P2O5 is the total weight of all the atoms in it.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The Ag4P2O5 molecule consists of 4 silver atoms, 2 phosphorus atoms, and 5 oxygen atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: Ag4P2O5 is a salt of the Ag+ ion and the pyrophosphate ion (P2O74-).

  1. Properties: Ag4P2O5

2.1 Physical properties of Ag4P2O5
State: Solid
Color: White
Odor: Odorless
PH Level: Neutral
2.2 Chemical properties of Ag4P2O5: It does not react with water, is insoluble in acid and alkali.

  1. Common chemical equations of Ag4P2O5
    Since Ag4P2O5 does not react with water, acid, alkali and most other substances, there are not many examples of its chemical reactions.

  2. Synthesis of Ag4P2O5

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ag4P2O5: Ag4P2O5 can be synthesized from the reaction between silver nitrate and disodium pyrophosphate.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ag4P2O5: Similar to the reaction in the laboratory, but carried out on an industrial scale with more suitable conditions and equipment.

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