What is Ag2SO4? Important knowledge about Ag2SO4.

  1. Definition of Ag2SO4
    Ag2SO4, also known as Silver Sulfate, is a chemical compound consisting of two silver atoms (Ag), one sulfur atom (S), and four oxygen atoms (O). The English name of this substance is “Silver Sulfate”. In the Ag2SO4 molecule, the two silver atoms and one sulfur atom have atomic masses of 107.87 and 32.06 respectively, while oxygen has an atomic mass of 16. Its molecular structure is a sulfur atom at the center, connected to four oxygen atoms to form a tetrahedron, and two silver atoms on either side. In water, Ag2SO4 dissociates into silver ions (Ag+) and sulfate ions (SO4²-).

  2. Properties: Ag2SO4
    2.1 Physical properties of Ag2SO4: Ag2SO4 is a solid, white, odorless substance. The pH of an Ag2SO4 solution in water is typically very acidic.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Ag2SO4: Ag2SO4 is soluble in water and will dissociate into Ag+ and SO4²- ions. It can also react with metals to replace silver, forming the metal’s sulfate and solid silver.

  3. Common chemical equations for Ag2SO4
    Ag2SO4 primarily participates in substitution reactions and acid reactions. For example:

  4. Synthesis of Ag2SO4
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ag2SO4: Ag2SO4 can be synthesized by reacting AgNO3 with H2SO4: 2AgNO3 + H2SO4 -> Ag2SO4 + 2HNO3
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ag2SO4: In industry, Ag2SO4 is usually produced by treating Ag2O with concentrated hot H2SO4.

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