What is Ag2S2O3? Important knowledge about Ag2S2O3.

  1. Definition of Ag2S2O3

Ag2S2O3, also known as Silver Thiosulfate in English, is a chemical compound of silver, sulfur, and oxygen. Each molecule of Ag2S2O3 contains 2 silver atoms, 2 sulfur atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of Ag2S2O3 is calculated by the sum of the atomic masses of the elements that compose it.

1.4 Ion structure: Ag2S2O3 contains 2 silver ions (Ag+) and one thiosulfate ion (S2O3^2-).

  1. Properties: Ag2S2O3

2.1 Physical properties of Ag2S2O3: Ag2S2O3 usually appears as white crystals, is odorless and has a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ag2S2O3: Ag2S2O3 has the ability to react with compounds containing chlorine to form silver chloride and sulfuric acid. It can also react with strong acid to produce silver compounds and sulfur.

  1. Common chemical reactions involving Ag2S2O3: Due to the special properties of Ag2S2O3, careful selection of suitable reactions with it is necessary.

  2. Synthesis of Ag2S2O3

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Ag2S2O3: Ag2S2O3 can be synthesized through the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate.

4.2 Industrial preparation of Ag2S2O3: On an industrial scale, Ag2S2O3 is usually produced from silver and sulfur in the form of fine powder.

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