What is Ag2S? Important knowledge about Ag2S.

  1. Definition of Ag2S
    1.1 Name: Ag2S is a chemical compound officially known as Silver Sulfide.
    1.1.2 English Name: This compound is called Silver Sulfide in English.
    1.2 Atomic composition: Ag2S consists of two silver atoms (Ag) and one sulfur atom (S).
    1.3 Atomic mass: The total atomic mass of Ag2S is 247.8 g/mol (107.87 g/mol for each silver atom and 32.06 g/mol for sulfur).
    1.4 Ion structure: Ag2S is an ionic compound with two silver ions Ag+ and one sulfide ion S2-.

  2. Properties of Ag2S
    2.1 Physical properties: Ag2S is a solid, black, odorless compound with no clear pH value because it is insoluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties: Ag2S is very insoluble in water and most solvents, but it can dissolve in nitric acid forming Ag+ and SO4 2- ions.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Ag2S: Because Ag2S is quite stable and unreactive, there aren’t many typical reactions for Ag2S. However, it can react with strong acids like HNO3 to produce AgNO3 and H2S.

  4. Synthesis of Ag2S:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Ag2S can be prepared by combining a solution of silver nitrate AgNO3 with a solution of sodium sulfide Na2S.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis: In the industry, Ag2S is usually produced by treating silver-containing ore with sulfuric acid.

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