What is Ag2N3? Important knowledge about Ag2N3.

  1. Ag2N3, also known as Silver azide in English or Azotit bạc in Vietnamese, is a chemical compound containing two silver atoms (Ag) and three nitrogen atoms (N). The molecular weight of Ag2N3 is 198.8 g/mol. Its molecule is built from two silver atoms and three nitrogen atoms bonded together. In alkaline conditions, Ag2N3 can form silver ions (Ag+) and azide ions (N3-).

  2. Properties of Ag2N3:
    2.1. Physical properties: Ag2N3 usually exists in the form of white powder with no characteristic smell. The pH of Ag2N3 is not clearly determined because it does not dissolve in water.
    2.2. Chemical properties: Ag2N3 is highly sensitive to light, temperature and pressure. It can rapidly decompose when in contact with these factors, producing nitrogen gas and metallic silver.

  3. Common reactions of Ag2N3:
    Ag2N3 does not easily react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts due to its instability. However, it can react with strong oxidizing agents to form other nitrogen compounds.

  4. Preparation of Ag2N3:
    4.1. The laboratory preparation of Ag2N3 is usually carried out by reacting a solution of sodium nitrite with a solution of silver nitrate. The reaction products are Ag2N3 and sodium nitrate.
    4.2. On an industrial scale, Ag2N3 is usually not produced because of its instability and explosiveness.

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