The equation 10HNO3 + 3Cd -> 3Cd(NO3)2 + 5H2O + 10NO

Detailed information about the equation 10HNO3 + 3Cd -> 3Cd(NO3)2 + 5H2O + 10NO: In the above chemical equation, HNO3 is nitric acid, Cd is Cadmium, Cd(NO3)2 is Cadmium nitrate, H2O is water and NO is Nitric oxide. According to the equation, 10 mol of nitric acid reacts with 3 mol of cadmium to produce … Read more

What is BrF11? Important knowledge about BrF11

I apologize, but it seems you have entered an incorrect chemical formula. Currently, there is no substance recorded with the chemical formula BrF11. Bromine (Br) can only combine with Fluorine (F) to form compounds such as BrF, BrF3, and BrF5, but not BrF11. Therefore, to continue with this article, I will assume that you want … Read more

What is ZnTe? Important knowledge about ZnTe.

Definition of ZnTe Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) is a chemical compound consisting of two elements, zinc (Zn) and telluride (Te). Each molecule of ZnTe includes one atom of zinc and one atom of telluride. The relative atomic mass of ZnTe is 192.99 g/mol. The structure of ZnTe is in the form of a rectangular crystal lattice. … Read more

The equation 2NH4ClO3 -> 2NH4Cl + 3O2

Detailed information about the equation 2NH4ClO3 -> 2NH4Cl + 3O2: This equation describes the decomposition process of ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO3), a strong oxidizer, to produce ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and oxygen (O2). Reaction conditions: This reaction process requires high temperature or strong light to stimulate. Typically, it will occur at a temperature around 200 degrees Celsius. … Read more

What is Fe2(C2O4)3? Important knowledge about Fe2(C2O4)3.

Definition of Fe2(C2O4)3 Fe2(C2O4)3, also known as Iron (III) oxalate, is a chemical compound consisting of iron, carbon, and oxygen atoms. It is a non-toxic reddish-brown solid. Notably, the molecular weight of this compound comprises 2 iron atoms, 6 carbon atoms, and 12 oxygen atoms, totaling 443.853 g/mol. The molecular structure of Fe2(C2O4)3 is iron … Read more

The formula Pb(NO3)2 -> PbO + 2NO2 + O2

The above chemical equation describes the decomposition process of Lead (II) Nitrate – Pb(NO3)2 when heated, producing Lead (II) Oxide – PbO, Nitrogen Dioxide – 2NO2, and Oxygen – O2. Reaction conditions: The decomposition reaction of Lead (II) Nitrate occurs at high temperatures, typically when heated. Reaction process: When heated, Lead (II) Nitrate decomposes to … Read more

What is Fe(OH)3? Important knowledge about Fe(OH)3.

Definition of Fe(OH)3 Fe(OH)3, also known as Iron(III) Hydroxide, is a chemical substance formed from the element iron and hydroxide. The molecular mass of it consists of one iron atom, and three hydroxide groups. Each hydroxide group consists of one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. Therefore, the total atomic mass of the Fe(OH)3 is … Read more

The equation 2Na2CO3 -> 2Na2O + 3CO2

Detailed information on the equation 2Na2CO3 -> 2Na2O + 3CO2: This equation describes the thermal decomposition process of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), producing sodium oxide (Na2O) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Reaction conditions: This reaction requires heat to occur. As the temperature increases, sodium carbonate will decompose into sodium oxide and carbon dioxide gas. Reaction process: … Read more

What is ZnSiO3? Important knowledge about ZnSiO3.

Definition of ZnSiO3 ZnSiO3, also known as Willemite, is a form of zinc silicate. Its English name is Zinc Silicate. ZnSiO3 consists of three chemical elements: zinc (Zn), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O). In this chemical formula, Zn is the zinc atom, Si is the silicon atom, and O3 is three oxygen atoms. The molecular … Read more

The equation 2Na2O2 -> 2Na2O + O2

Detailed information about the equation 2Na2O2 -> 2Na2O + O2 This equation describes the reaction between sodium peroxide (Na2O2) and heat to produce sodium oxide (Na2O) and oxygen (O2). It is a redox reaction, in which the sodium in sodium peroxide remains unchanged, while the oxygen in sodium peroxide is reduced from an oxidation state … Read more