What is I2O6? Important knowledge about I2O6.

Definition of I2O6 1.1 Names: I2O6 is called Diiodine hexoxide, commonly known by the English name “Diiodine hexoxide”. 1.2 Atomic mass: I2O6 consists of two Iodine atoms and six Oxygen atoms, hence the atomic mass is 2*126.9 (for Iodine) + 6*16 (for Oxygen) = 333.8. 1.3 Atomic weight: I2O6 has an atomic weight of 333.8u. … Read more

The equation 2Hg3Te2 -> 2Hg2Te2 + Te2 + O2

Detailed information about the equation 2Hg3Te2 -> 2Hg2Te2 + Te2 + O2: The above chemical equation describes the decomposition process of mercury telluride (Hg3Te2) under the influence of temperature. As the temperature increases, Hg3Te2 will decompose into another mercury telluride compound (Hg2Te2), accompanied by the release of gaseous form of tellurium (Te2) and oxygen (O2). … Read more

What is I2O2? Important Knowledge about I2O2

Regrettably, it’s difficult to provide a detailed explanation about I2O2 since there is no chemical substance with the formula I2O2. I2 is iodine, a chemical element with the atomic number 53 on the periodic table and O2 is oxygen, a chemical element with the atomic number 8 on the periodic table. However, when these elements … Read more

The equation 2Hg3Se2 -> 2Hg2Se2 + Se2 + O2

Regrettably, it appears this equation is incorrect. Hg3Se2 is mercury(II) selenide, a compound of mercury and selenium. Whereas, Hg2Se2 is not a recognized chemical compound. In other words, there is no compound with the formula Hg2Se2. Moreover, this equation isn’t balanced due to the loss of oxygen atoms. This could be a case of a … Read more

What is I2O? Important knowledge about I2O.

Definition of I2O I2O, also known as Iodine Dioxide, is a chemical compound containing two Iodine (I) atoms and one Oxygen (O) atom. Theoretically, it can exist but so far, there is no evidence that it has been successfully synthesized. 1.1 Names 1.1.1 Common name: Iodine Dioxide 1.1.2 English name: Iodine Dioxide 1.2. Atomic composition: … Read more

The equation 2Hg3S2 -> 2Hg2S2 + S2 + O2

Detailed information about the equation 2Hg3S2 -> 2Hg2S2 + S2 + O2: This chemical equation describes the decomposition process of the mercury sulfide compound (Hg3S2) through an oxidation reaction to produce another mercury sulfide compound (Hg2S2), sulfur (S2), and oxygen (O2). Reaction conditions: This reaction requires high temperatures to facilitate the reaction process. However, specific … Read more

What is I2? Important knowledge about I2

I2 DEFINITION I2, also known as Iodine, is a chemical element with the symbol I and atomic number 53 in the periodic table. Iodine belongs to the Halogen group, occupying the 5th position in Group VIIA. 1.1. Common name: Iodine 1.2. English name: Iodine 1.3. Atomic number: 53 1.4. Atomic weight: 126.90447(3) u. An I2 … Read more

What is HIO4? Important knowledge about HIO4.

HIO4 definition: HIO4, also known as periodic acid or tetraoxoperiodic(VII) acid, is a colorless substance, composed of Iodine (I), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) atoms. In English, it is referred to as Periodic acid. The molecular mass of HIO4 is 144.9 g/mol, and its molecular structure consists of one Iodine atom, eight Oxygen atoms, and … Read more

What is HIO3? Important knowledge about HIO3

Definition of HIO3 1.1 Names 1.1.1 Common name: Iodic Acid 1.1.2 English name: Iodic acid 1.2. Atomic mass: 175. 91 g/mol 1.3. Atomic weight: 53.0 (I), 16.0 (O) and 1.008 (H) 1.3.1 Molecular structure: HIO3 consists of one hydrogen atom (H), one iodine atom (I) and three oxygen atoms (O). 1.4 Ion structure: In solution, … Read more