What is ZnCr2O4? Important knowledge about ZnCr2O4.

Definition of ZnCr2O4 ZnCr2O4, also known as Zinc Chromate, is a chemical compound. It consists of one zinc atom (Zn), two chromium atoms (Cr), and four oxygen atoms (O). The molar mass of ZnCr2O4 is 181.001 g/mol. The structure of this molecule includes a zinc atom connected to two chromate ions, each chromate ion consists … Read more

What is FeCr2O4? Important knowledge about FeCr2O4.

Definition of FeCr2O4 FeCr2O4, often referred to as Iron Spinel, or Iron Chromite in English as Iron(II) Chromite. It is a chemical compound consisting of Fe, Cr, and O. The molar mass of this compound is 223.84 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of 1 iron atom (Fe), 2 chromium atoms (Cr), and 4 oxygen atoms … Read more

What is ZnSiO4? Important knowledge about ZnSiO4.

Definition of ZnSiO4 1.1 Names 1.1.1 Common name: Zinco Silicate 1.1.2 English name: Zinc Silicate 1.2 Atomic structure: ZnSiO4 consists of Zn, Si and O atoms. 1.3 Atomic mass: The atomic mass of ZnSiO4 is 161.011 g/mol. 1.3.1 Molecular structure: ZnSiO4 is composed of 1 Zn atom, 1 Si atom and 4 O atoms linked … Read more

What is Na4SiO4? Important knowledge about Na4SiO4.

Definition of Na4SiO4 Na4SiO4, also known as Sodium Silicate, is commonly referred to as Sodium Metasilicate in English. This compound consists of four sodium atoms (Na), one silicon atom (Si), and four oxygen atoms (O). The molecular weight of this compound is 162.11 g/mol. Its molecule is structured by a silicate ion ([SiO4]4-) and four … Read more

What is CaSiO3? Important knowledge about CaSiO3.

Definition of CaSiO3 CaSiO3, also known as Calcium Silicate or lime silicate, is a chemical compound. Its molar mass is 116.16 g/mol. Its molecule consists of one calcium atom, one silicon atom, and three oxygen atoms. In this compound, the calcium ion (Ca2+) and the silicate ion (SiO32-) coexist. Properties: CaSiO3 CaSiO3 appears as a … Read more

What is ZnCrO4? Important knowledge about ZnCrO4.

Definition of ZnCrO4 ZnCrO4, also known as Zinc Chromate, is a chemical compound consisting of zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), and oxygen (O) atoms. Its English name is Zinc Chromate. The molecular weight of ZnCrO4 is 181.38 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of a zinc ion Zn2+ bonded to a chromate ion CrO4 2-. Properties of … Read more

What is ZnSeO4? Important knowledge about ZnSeO4

Definition of ZnSeO4 ZnSeO4, also known as Zinc selenate, is a chemical compound containing the elements: zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), and oxygen (O). This is an inorganic compound, containing Zn2+ ions (zinc cations) and SeO42- (selenate anions). The molecular weight of ZnSeO4 is 192.84 g/mol. Structurally, each molecule of ZnSeO4 contains one atom of zinc … Read more

What is Na2SeO4? The important knowledge about Na2SeO4.

Definition of Na2SeO4 Na2SeO4, also known as Sodium selenate, is a chemical substance with the molecular formula Na2SeO4. It contains the elements sodium (Na), selenium (Se), and oxygen (O). Each molecule of Na2SeO4 contains two atoms of sodium, one atom of selenium, and four atoms of oxygen. The atomic mass of Na2SeO4 is calculated by … Read more

What is Zn(ClO3)2? Important Knowledge about Zn(ClO3)2

Definition of Zn(ClO3)2: Zn(ClO3)2, also known as zinc chlorate, is a colorless, odorless white solid. It’s a type of salt from the metal zinc and chloric acid. In Zn(ClO3)2, the zinc atom (Zn) has an atomic weight of 65.38, each chlorine atom (Cl) has an atomic weight of 35.45 and the oxygen atom (O) has … Read more

What is Na2? Important knowledge about Na2.

Note: “Na2” is not the correct symbol for any chemical substance. Sodium (Na) is a chemical element belonging to the alkali metal group and has two electrons in its outermost shell. It typically does not exist in a 2+ charged state, as it would require too much energy to remove two electrons. Instead, sodium usually … Read more