What is Na2S2O3? Important knowledge about Na2S2O3.

  1. Definition of Na2S2O3

Na2S2O3 is the chemical formula for sodium thiosulfate, an important chemical often used in the industry. Its English name is Sodium thiosulfate. It consists of 2 sodium atoms, 2 sulfur atoms and 3 oxygen atoms. Its molecular mass is 158.11 g/mol. The molecule Na2S2O3 has a unique structure with a bridge bond between the two sulfur atoms.

  1. Properties of Na2S2O3

2.1 Physical properties of Na2S2O3: Na2S2O3 usually exists in the form of colorless, odorless crystals and has a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of Na2S2O3: Na2S2O3 is capable of reacting with iodine to create sodium iodide and sulfuric acid. It can also react with strong acids to produce sulfur, sodium sulfate, and water.

  1. Common chemical equations for Na2S2O3:

Na2S2O3 + 2HCl -> 2NaCl + S + SO2 + H2O

Na2S2O3 + I2 -> 2NaI + S + SO2

  1. Synthesis of Na2S2O3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Na2S2O3: In the laboratory, Na2S2O3 is usually synthesized by reacting Na2SO3 with sulfur.

Na2SO3 + S -> Na2S2O3

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Na2S2O3: In industry, Na2S2O3 is typically produced by heating sodium sulfate with sulfur and charcoal to create sodium thiosulfate.

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