What is Na2HPO4? Important knowledge about Na2HPO4.

  1. Definition of Na2HPO4
    Na2HPO4, also known as Hydrogen Diphosphate or Dibasic Sodium Phosphate in English, is an inorganic chemical compound. This compound consists of 2 Sodium (Na) atoms, one Hydrogen (H) atom, one Phosphorus (P) atom, and four Oxygen (O) atoms. Its total atomic weight is about 141.96 g/mol. Its molecular structure includes 2 sodium ions, one hydrogen ion, and one phosphate ion.

  2. Properties of Na2HPO4
    Na2HPO4 usually appears as white crystals or white powder, odorless and has a pH value around 8.9-9.2 when dissolved in water. In chemistry, Na2HPO4 can react with other compounds to form new substances through reactions such as reactions with acids, metals, or salts.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Na2HPO4
    Reaction with acid:
    Na2HPO4 + HCl -> NaH2PO4 + NaCl
    Na2HPO4 + HNO3 -> NaH2PO4 + NaNO3
    Reaction with metal:
    Na2HPO4 + Ca -> Ca(HPO4)2 + 2Na
    Reaction with salt:
    Na2HPO4 + KCl -> K2HPO4 + NaCl

  4. Synthesis of Na2HPO4
    Na2HPO4 can be synthesized in the lab through basic chemical reactions such as the reaction between NaOH and H3PO4:
    2NaOH + H3PO4 -> Na2HPO4 + 2H2O
    Additionally, it is also produced on an industrial scale through a synthesis process that includes steps such as dropping phosphoric acid into a solution of sodium hydroxide.

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