What is NaOH? Important knowledge about NaOH

  1. Definition of NaOH
    NaOH, also known as lye. In English, this substance is called Sodium Hydroxide. NaOH has an atomic mass of 40, specifically 23 for the Sodium atom (Na), 16 for the Oxygen atom (O), and 1 for the Hydrogen atom (H). The molecular structure of NaOH consists of 1 Sodium atom, 1 Oxygen atom, and 1 Hydrogen atom. The ionic structure of NaOH includes the Sodium ion Na+ and the hydroxide ion OH-.
  2. Properties: NaOH
    2.1 Physical Properties of NaOH: NaOH usually appears as a white, odorless solid with a pH > 7, indicating its strong basic property.
    2.2 Chemical Properties of NaOH: NaOH has the ability to react strongly with acids to form salt and water, as well as react with metals to produce hydrogen and salt.
  3. Common chemical equations of NaOH
    NaOH can react with various substances such as metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. Examples of some reactions include NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O(reactionwithacid), NaOH + Al -> NaAlO2 + H2 (reaction with metal).
  4. Synthesis of NaOH
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of NaOH: NaOH can be synthesized from the raw material salt (NaCl) through the process of electrolysis.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of NaOH: On an industrial scale, NaOH is usually produced by the method of electrolysis of a salt solution.

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