What is NaNO3? Important Knowledge About NaNO3

  1. Definition of NaNO3

NaNO3, also known as Sodium Nitrate, is an inorganic chemical compound consisting of sodium (Na), nitrogen (N) and three oxygen (O) atoms. The molecular weight of NaNO3 is 85.00 g/mol. NaNO3 is a salt of nitric acid with sodium cation and nitrate anion.

1.3. Molecular structure:
The NaNO3 molecule consists of one sodium (Na) atom linked to a nitrate group (NO3-).

1.4 Ion structure:
The sodium ion (Na+) and the nitrate ion (NO3-) form NaNO3 through ionic bonding.

  1. Properties of NaNO3

2.1 Physical properties of NaNO3:
NaNO3 is solid, white in color, odorless and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of NaNO3:
NaNO3 can decompose at high temperatures, producing sodium nitrite and oxygen. NaNO3 can also react with strong acids to form nitric acid and the corresponding sodium salt.

  1. Common chemical reactions involving NaNO3:
    Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) is a salt consisting of sodium (Na) from Group 1A (also known as the alkali group) and nitrate (NO3-) is a nitrate ion. So NaNO3 usually does not react with other salts, non-metals, or other metals.

  2. Synthesis of NaNO3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of NaNO3:
NaNO3 can be synthesized from the reaction between Sodium Hydroxide and Nitric Acid.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of NaNO3:
In industry, NaNO3 is often produced from the synthesis of Nitric Acid with sodium carbonate or sodium chloride.

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