What is NaCl? The important knowledge about NaCl.

  1. Definition of NaCl

NaCl is the chemical symbol for table salt, also known as Natri clorua in Vietnamese and Sodium Chloride in English. Sodium Chloride is an ionic compound with a molecular weight of 58.44 and an atomic mass comprising 23 for Sodium atom and 35.5 for Chlorine atom. The molecular structure of NaCl consists of one sodium atom and one chlorine atom, bonded together via an ionic bond. In NaCl, sodium and chloride form a cubic ion network.

  1. Properties: NaCl

2.1 Physical Properties of NaCl
Under standard conditions, NaCl exists as a solid, white and odorless substance. It is an alkaline substance, with a pH of about 7 when dissolved in water.
2.2 Chemical Properties of NaCl
NaCl has the ability to react with strong acids such as H2SO4 to create HCl. It can also react with alkali metals to create hydrogen and a new salt.

  1. Common Chemical Equations Involving NaCl

NaCl can react with H2SO4, Na, and other metals to create new compounds. For example, the reaction of NaCl and H2SO4 results in HCl and Na2SO4.

NaCl + H2SO4 -> HCl + Na2SO4
2 NaCl + 2Na -> 4NaCl
NaCl + AgNO3 -> AgCl + NaNO3
NaCl + H2O -> NaOH + HCl

  1. Preparation of NaCl

4.1 Laboratory Preparation of NaCl
NaCl is typically prepared through the neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.
4.2 Industrial Preparation of NaCl
Industrially, NaCl is usually produced through the evaporation of seawater or mined from salt mines.

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