What is XeF4? Important knowledge about XeF4

  1. Definition of XeF4
    XeF4, also known as Tetrafluoroxenon, is a chemical compound belonging to the group of xenon hexafluoride compounds. In English, it is called Xenon tetrafluoride. This compound consists of 1 xenon atom and 4 fluorine atoms. The atomic mass of Xenon is 131.29 amu, while that of Fluorine is 18.99 amu. The molecular structure of XeF4 is xenon forming firm bonds with 4 fluorine atoms. XeF4 does not form ions because xenon is a nonmetal element.

  2. Properties of XeF4
    XeF4 is a colorless and odorless white solid at room temperature. Its pH cannot be determined because it is insoluble in water. The chemical properties of XeF4 include its ability to react with water to form xenon and oxygen, as well as reactions with other xenon compounds.

  3. Common chemical reactions of XeF4
    XeF4 does not generally react with metals, acids, nonmetals or salts. However, it can react with water to form xenon and oxygen.

  4. Preparation of XeF4
    XeF4 can be prepared through the reaction between xenon and fluorine at high temperatures. In the laboratory, XeF4 is usually prepared from xenon and fluorine at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius. On an industrial scale, XeF4 is prepared by passing xenon and fluorine through electronic or ionizing radiation.

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