What is TeF4? Important knowledge about TeF4.

  1. Definition of TeF4
    TeF4, also known as Tellurium tetrafluoride in English, is a chemical compound consisting of Tellurium and Fluorine elements. The atomic weight of TeF4 is 207.6 g/mol. The TeF4 molecule has a Tellurium atom at the center connected to four Fluorine atoms around, forming a tetrahedral structure. In TeF4, ions are not formed because it is a basic molecule.

  2. Properties: TeF4
    TeF4 is a solid, colorless and odorless substance. The pH range of TeF4 is not clear because it does not clearly dissolve or is insoluble in water. In terms of chemical properties, TeF4 mainly participates in oxidation-reduction reactions.

  3. Common chemical equations with TeF4
    The specific chemical reaction of TeF4 depends on other substances with which it interacts. For example, when TeF4 interacts with water (H2O), it forms HF and TeO2.

TeF4 + 2H2O -> TeO2 + 4HF

  1. Synthesis of TeF4
    TeF4 can be synthesized through the reaction between Tellurium and Fluorine at high temperatures.

Te + 2F2 -> TeF4

This reaction is commonly used in chemistry labs. On an industrial scale, this process can be better controlled and can be conducted at lower temperatures.

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