What is SnF2? Important knowledge about SnF2.

  1. SnF2, also known as Stannic Fluoride, is a compound of tin and fluoride. In English, it is often referred to as Tin(II) Fluoride. SnF2 has a molecular weight of 120.67 g/mol, comprising one Sn (Stannic) atom and two F (Fluorine) atoms. The structure of SnF2 includes a Sn2+ ion bonded with two F- ions.

  2. SnF2 is an odorless white powder, insoluble in water but soluble in strong acids. It has a neutral pH. Chemically, SnF2 is very corrosion-resistant and stable in atmospheric conditions.

  3. SnF2 commonly interacts with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. For example, SnF2 can react with metals like Na, K to form NaF, KF, and Sn. With acids, SnF2 can form HF and SnO2. With nonmetals like Cl, Br, I, SnF2 forms SnCl2, SnBr2, SnI2. With salts, SnF2 can form SnF4 salt.

  4. SnF2 can be synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction of Sn with HF. In addition, SnF2 is also industrially produced through the reaction of Sn and F2 under high-temperature conditions. This is the primary method for producing SnF2 for industrial applications.

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