What is CuF2? Important knowledge about CuF2

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  1. Definition of CuF2

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Copper(II) Fluoride
1.1.2 English name: Copper(II) Fluoride

1.2 Atomic mass: CuF2 has 1 Copper (Cu) atom and 2 Fluorine (F) atoms

1.3 Atomic weight: The total atomic weight in CuF2 is 101.54 g/mol

1.3.1 Molecular structure: The CuF2 molecule consists of 1 Copper atom bonded to 2 Fluorine atoms

1.4 Ion structure: CuF2 can form copper ion Cu2+ and fluorine ion F-

  1. Properties: CuF2

2.1 Physical properties of CuF2
State: Solid at room temperature
Color: Blue to green
Smell: Odorless
pH: Not applicable as it is a solid

2.2 Chemical properties of CuF2
CuF2 is insoluble in water but soluble in acid, and can react with strong oxidizing agents.

  1. Common chemical equations for CuF2
    CuF2 can react with hot concentrated acids such as H2SO4, HNO3 to form corresponding compounds.

    CuF2 + H2SO4 -> CuSO4 + 2HF

    CuF2 + 2HNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2HF

  2. Synthesis of CuF2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of CuF2
Cu + F2 -> CuF2

4.2 Industrial synthesis of CuF2
In industry, CuF2 is not directly synthesized but through various other reaction processes.

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